Sunday, January 12, 2025

They Cannot Be Us


They cannot ban

what they do not


Speak not

of Zuckerbergs

and Musks and others

slithering through the muck.

Let them suffer

in the profundity

of the silence

rejecting their grasp and reach.



in the poetry

of our lives lived

in grit and fire

and tender touch,

and lived

in honor and memory

of our Nerudas, our Morrisons,

our mothers, our fathers,

and all who did not,

will not obey.


We are our gift

to each other,

We share our gifts

with each other.

We live in embrace

of our communities

which we exalt hard

and often. We march

to a rhythm of our own.

Renewing Reinventing.

Exultant. Relentless.


And they? They cannot be us,

not because they don’t want to be,

but because we won’t let them.


We grant power only

to ourselves.

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