Tuesday, December 31, 2013

You are the one to light your new fire

I am not there
to make hurt feelings worse—
I am not there
to fix something broken—

I am not there
to say what should happen—
I am not there
to live in your place—

Instead, I have decided this day
to be on my way—
to wander the earth—
to witness what works—

to send that news back—
to watch for a sign—
to await word of you—
to hear on the wind you are well.

You are the heart song—
the driver, the striver,
the scent in the air,
the dreamer gone dreaming.

You are the one
to choose what will work—
to pick the right path—
to love when you wish—
to embrace whom you will—
to light your new fire.

for Julie

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