Thursday, May 25, 2023

Ever the feeling

ever the feeling
ever feeling no need

of any sort

no need for more

no need for some

no need at all

for any one thing


is this a blessed state?

or a sort of purgatory?

who decides?

who should be barred

from deciding?


this is no reason to go on

this is the reason to go on 

this, he wrote,

struggling to remember

the addendum intended

when he first

walked out into the sun –


the feeling

the lift that comes

from walking straight into the sun

when it floods the eye

flies almost all the way

to wherever


and, writing on,

sorting through

memories that brought me

to my knees,

and then submerged 

in moments

of great exultation,

and find myself

exulting once more


and in the moment

when I first saw you

and knew suddenly

you would be the difference

in my life

the moment in which we all

would see again

and would gather together

the feeling of enough

more than ever

enough enough


and still the locomotive

roaring by

and the dog

consumed by terror

running and running

and surviving the raging wind

that carried the deepest chill

came at last

into my arms

squatting there in the very dark

attaching and attaching

to us, to you, to me


ever the feeling

home and homeless

tame and wild

broken and unbroken

new and striving


seeking rest

and rebirth

ever and ever

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